Design Services

Design Consultation - Are you looking to design your home but don't know where to start? Booking a design consultation service can be the perfect solution. I will review your space and come up with a design plan that fits your project scope.
I pride myself on my vast design knowledge and methods of giving you the best advice for any area of your home. From selecting paint colors, remodels or new construction, I will provide creative design opportunities that leave you satisfied with the results. This service can also be done virtually.
Service is billed for 1.5 hours.

Designer for a Day - If you have a small project that needs a designers assistance, then hiring me as your designer for a day is the perfect solution. You can get my expert design advice to guide and help you select products such as countertops, faucets, flooring and more. Moreover, with designer for a day working for you, you don’t have to think about doing all the hard work of research and comparing products; simply bring along your designer who will find the best option that fits your style and budget. With Rush Interior Design for a day in your corner, expect top-notch professional help while tackling any small project. Service is for 4 hours, anything over the 4 hours is billed hourly.

Remodels or New Construction

All large scale projects like remodels or new homes will be done through MRA Construction. I am the in house interior designer for this construction company, and we have the resources and team to bring your vision of your dream home to life.

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